Beat the Heat: Where to Get the Best Snoballs & Snow Cones in Bossier
When it comes to icy concoctions, there are plenty of options in Bossier for some yummy treats. Try these places to get a delicious snoball or snow cone in Bossier:
When it comes to icy concoctions, there are plenty of options in Bossier for some yummy treats. Try these places to get a delicious snoball or snow cone in Bossier: is written and edited by a team of people who love Bossier City, Louisiana. We discover compelling stories within our city and parish, so that we can share our passion with you. Our goal is to showcase all of the incredible resources and amenities Bossier has to offer. Meet our team of blog contributors for 2018: Jessica Carr An …
From a Royal Princess Ball to a Trader Jane’s Market, you’re not gonna want to miss any of these Bossier events in August.
The corner of Benton Road and Burt Boulevard is where the beautiful Bossier Parish Courthouse has found its forever home. I say forever home because before 1972 the location for the Bossier Parish Courthouse was ever-changing. Starting in 1843 until the final resting point, the Bossier Parish Government met in five different places. This means for over 129 years the …