The Top 3 Motorcycle Rides in Bossier Parish

What are the top 3 motorcycle rides in Bossier Parish?
Motorcycle riders struggle to explain the draw of a nice, long motorcycle ride.

After all, how do you describe the feeling of freedom?
Or the thrill of controlling a fast-moving vehicle on two wheels?
Or the feeling of camaraderie you get when you’re riding with a group of friends?
Or the sense of escape and adventure you feel as you ride outside through the countryside, enjoying the beautiful scenery.
Whether you like to ride alone, with friends, or with a club, the appeal of a great motorcycle ride is universal. There have been many studies conducted on why people love to ride motorcycles. Check out “Why We Ride: A Psychologist’s Take on Riding” by Mark Barnes, Ph.D., for his explanation of the love of riding.
Some riders plan their trip days, some for weeks. And the first question is usually “Where should I ride?”
We put together a list of favorite day-trip routes from local riders for you to check out.
What are riders hoping for in a route?
Riders planning a trip (even a day trip) look for roads in good shape and free from construction zones. Spending a few minutes checking out the road situation at LA DOTD’s site can make the difference between an excellent ride and an aggravating afternoon. A motorcycle ride is a trip for the senses, so beautiful scenery is essential such as a ride by the lake or in hilly areas. Make the ride more entertaining by checking out a local landmark or having a meal with friends before hitting the road again.
Where are the top 3 motorcycle rides in Bossier Parish?
Of course, everyone has a favorite route and all of them are great, for different reasons. So we asked several riders for their recommendations and came up with a few well-loved trips for you to consider.

Sligo Road to Elm Grove
For a quiet ride in the country, you can travel from Sligo Road to Oakland, head to Koran, and south to Elm Grove. This route has been highly rated for scenery, corners, and road surface. The trip is a little more than 25 miles. Side note: This particular route has been a favorite of mine in the past, with a slight detour to ride across the Thomas LaValley Memorial Bridge.
Bossier City to Plain Dealing
Another favorite is the route from Bossier City to Plain Dealing on Highway 3. Some riders travel to Arkana, near the Arkansas state line, then return to Bossier City, while others continue to Springhill. Local riders Robert Widner and Anthony Haines mention the ride to Arkansas because of the hills. Some North Bossier Parish riders appreciate the excellent roads and happily keep riding to Springhill, Arkansas. These riders turn south to come back to the beginning of the route. The trip to the Arkansas line is about 36 miles, but if you extend the trip to Springhill, it is an additional 21 miles. You’ll probably spot plenty of other riders if you choose this route. It has been popular with local bikers for years.

Bellevue to Vivian

This route has been nicknamed “Thunder on the Bayou” by riders who enjoyed the trip from Bellevue to Vivian. Enjoy 44 miles of rural scenery and good roads, with excellent visibility and few corners.
Plan your perfect ride
It has been said that “every ride is a tiny holiday.”
Why not try out one or more of these suggested routes … or create your variation and tell us about it.
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The Boom or Bust Byway runs through Caddo, Bossier, Webster and Claiborne Parish. It is a scenic 136-mile road trip that bikers would love. For more information visit