Goodbye Mayor Lo Walker

Goodbye Mayor Lo Walker. Today (June 30, 2021) closes out Mayor Lo Walker’s 16-year service as Mayor of Bossier City.
Today (June 30, 2021) closes out Mayor Lo Walker’s 16-year service as Mayor of Bossier City.
How do you say goodbye to the long-running veteran of the Mayor’s Office who is also decorated with two Legions of Merit, two Distinguished Flying Crosses, 13 Air Medals, the Bronze Star, and the Meritorious Service Medal?

In late June, a group gathered to honor Bossier City Mayor Lorenz “Lo” Walker at his retirement event. Both personally and professionally, the group of distinguished speakers featuring community and civic leaders alike honored a man they called a leader, mentor, and friend.
“You can’t say enough about the influence he’s brought to the area,” said Lt. Gen. Bob Elder (retired).
Added Brig. Gen. Peyton Cole (retired): “It’s a legacy of confidence, trust, and loyalty you (Mayor Walker) leave with us.”
His career spanned 30 years of decorated military service followed by 30-plus years of serving Bossier City. Walker held positions from Executive Director of the Bossier Civic Center to Bossier City Chief Administrative Officer and spent the last 16 years as Mayor of Bossier City. Walker stated that he focused on service above self and took advantage of a target-of-opportunity, as he saw it.
The Signposts
Serving his country in the Air Force and serving the people of Bossier City was not part of some ‘Grand Master Plan’ Walker had for his life. But, as he thinks back, the signposts were there. First, he was introduced to military life at a young age when his family housed a pilot from Barksdale Air Force Base because of a billet shortage on base. Also, he carved aircraft replicas out of balsam wood. On top of that, in high school, he was excited by learning about government in Civics class.
Military Service
Walker went to Louisiana Tech and worked while earning his degree. He also joined ROTC, which paid Incentive Pay for the members to be a part of the program. Because of this program, when he graduated from college, he was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force. While his military career took him many places – from Vietnam to Libya, from becoming a Command Pilot and a Master Parachutist – it also brought him back home as he was stationed at Barksdale Air Force Base three times. “I’m living proof a C+ student can make it,” Walker quipped.
And make it he did.
Bossier City Service
Serving Bossier City during the second half of his working life bridged a gap between his military service and his commitment to his community.
Bossier City and the Air Force have a long-standing relationship, one that Walker has understood well, having worked on both sides of it. “The relationship Bossier and Shreveport enjoy with Barksdale Air Force Base is by the far the very best of any in the Department of Defense organization,” said Brig. Gen. Peyton Cole (retired). “And Lo, that’s a legacy you can look back with pride, and it’s because of men like you.”
Walker was asked about his most significant accomplishments when serving as Mayor of Bossier City. He didn’t hesitate to mention two things that brought together that public service and military service – locating the War Veteran’s Home in Bossier City and helping to stand up the Cyber Innovation Center in the National Cyber Research Park.
“What made this (the Cyber Innovation Center) work was the energy Mayor Walker brought to the project,” Elder added.
“Mayor Walker has always had the long view for opportunities beyond his tenure,” said Craig Spohn, Executive Director of the Cyber Innovation Center.
When you ask Walker, Bossier City isn’t great because of him, but because of the great team that he has worked with through the years who have made the city what it is today.
“I like being a part of a team and doing great things for the community,” Walker said. “I’ve hired great people and established great relationships through the years.”
He’s not the only one who thinks so.
“What about Mayor Walker impressed me the most is that he’s a great team builder,” Elder said.
As Mayor, Walker is known for his short speeches and his propensity to tell jokes everywhere he went. He will even tell you exactly where he’s mentioned in the Bible.
“Lo, I am with you always.”
Matthew 28:20
Goodbye Mayor Lo Walker
The current 2nd Bomb Wing Commander Col. Mark Dmytryszyn stated, “I wish you fair skies and favorable winds in all future endeavors.”
The Citizens of Bossier City concur.
Goodbye Mayor Lo Walker.
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