How to Pronounce Bossier

How to pronounce Bossier

How to Pronounce Bossier

Do you know how to pronounce Bossier? We are going to tell you how to pronounce it and give you a brief history of the place, while we are at it.

It’s true when Timora (Tim) Sith first saw the word; he admits he didn’t know how to pronounce Bossier. 

“I pronounced it boss-E-ay. No shame here,” Tim said with a laugh. 

The Texas transplant moved to Bossier from Houston to be with his parents. They moved to Bossier after Tim’s uncle told them about the fantastic opportunities here. Today, Tim and his wife Rachel are the owners of Crispy Donuts on Airline Drive. He says moving to Bossier was one of the best decisions he ever made. 

“I love the opportunities here,” Tim said. “It’s always growing, and I wanna be a part of all of the great things happening.”

Related: Crispy Donut Owners Add Their Flair to Family Business 

A brief history of Bossier Parish

Bossier Parish was formed on February 24, 1843. Early residents fought to have their government, which kickstarted the creation of our great parish. Since then, people (especially transplants) have been trying to figure out how to pronounce Bossier.

Our parish’s namesake is General Pierre Evariste Jean Baptiste Bossier, so perhaps he is the one to blame for the confusion. His last name has French Catholic Creole origins. So, we can’t blame him because the General was a key player in delivering the petition to create Bossier Parish. Eventually, the petition passed into law. He made Bossier Parish an official place to live, and for that, we should thank him.

Although, the parish can be hard to pronounce for some. Once they know the correct way to say it, then they are good to go! It’s only a matter of time before they start to feel at home here in Bossier Parish. 

How do you pronounce Bossier correctly?

How to pronounce Bossier

Do you want to know how to pronounce Bossier?

Even though Bossier can be hard to pronounce for some, for others pronouncing it correctly just came naturally. The correct pronunciation is BOH-zhure. 

“I actually pronounced it correctly the first time,” Kattie Hollay said. 

Kattie is the Military Relations Liaison & Program Manager for the Bossier Chamber of Commerce. She moved to Bossier from Washington D.C. 

Being in the military meant that Kattie moved around quite a lot. However, she loves getting to experience new places and new opportunities. Bossier has become a place that is very special to her. 

 “I love living here because I love my job and working with the business community. The people here are amicable and welcoming.”

 If you mispronounced Bossier the first time, there is no reason to be embarrassed. Residents here are used to it and will politely tell you the correct way to say the name. Kattie loves it here and has some good advice for those looking to move to Bossier. 

 “I would tell people to be prepared for hot summers, the rainy seasons, and great southern food,” Kattie said. 

Learn more about how to pronounce Bossier and historical facts 

Now that you’ve learned how to pronounce Bossier, you can also learn more about our excellent parish history. Check out this blog on fascinating facts about the history of Bossier Parish

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