A Week in the Life of a Bossier Family: Meet the Pledgers

It is still dark outside when Michelle Pledger’s alarm sounds at 6:15 a.m. in Bossier. Her Monday begins like most of her days during the week. She makes herself some coffee, then goes to wake up her 12-year-old son Noah to get him ready for school. As Noah begins to get ready for school, Michelle starts to pack lunch pails …

Move To Bossier: Finding an Apartment or Rental Home

As more people move to Bossier City, the demand for high-quality rentals will only increase to accommodate the growing population. But as with any booming market, there will be only so many vacancies available at any given time. Smart shoppers know it pays to be prepared so that the apartment of their dreams doesn’t slip away due to indecision or …

Art Is The Heart of The Bossier Arts Council

Art has become the heart of Bossier and what keeps that heart beating is the Bossier Arts Council. Mixing local creative talent, events, classes and unique performances, BAC not only creates events for artists and creatives, it pushes the agenda for the community to come together to support the arts. BAC president Robin Jones first gained interest in the council …

More Than Books: A Bossier Library Card’s Other Benefits

Long before the internet, if you needed to research something or look at the latest release from a popular author, you went to the library. Checking out books (and sometimes vinyl records) was about the most you could expect with your library card. But today there’s more benefits to having a Bossier Parish Library Card than ever before. You can …

Bossier City Among Top 10 “Brightest Cities” in Louisiana

Bossier City is strongly linked with quality education. From overall A grades for its public schools and a community college dedicated to meeting workforce needs to fostering STEM education for its burgeoning tech industry, it’s no surprise that intelligence is a priority for the city. But is it one of the smartest cities in Louisiana? A new study says, “Yes”. …

Key Bossier Insights from the GBEDF Annual Report

Bossier is a city and parish that are growing and evolving constantly. As the area and its leaders seeks to maintain their standard of being forward-thinking and progressive, there are several resources available to promote the area to future, and current, residents. One of these is the Greater Bossier Economic Development Foundation and its Annual Report. Available for free at …

BPCC’s Open Campus Reaches 3 Million Viewing Minutes

Conventional wisdom has always stressed that a person has a greater chance at success in life if they have received a good education. That’s especially true if one desires a career in a profession that requires certifications, degrees and doctorates. But for many people, going to college can be an intimidating challenge, especially if they didn’t excel academically in high …

Bossier Schools advances to ‘A’ district

Bossier Schools received its report card today from the Louisiana Department of Education, which showed marked academic gains in the 2016-17 school year, earning it the designation as an ‘A’ ranked public school district. An increase of 9.4 points bolstered Bossier Schools’ District Performance Score to 101.1 and an ‘A’ letter grade, reflecting Superintendent Scott Smith’s vision for different teaching …

GoNoodle Program in Bossier Parish Schools Makes Learning Fun

Ask any school-aged child what they like most about school and they’re likely to say “recess”. It’s a fact that any time away from boring classwork is something all kids like. But thanks to CHRISTUS Shreveport-Bossier Health System, seven northwest parish school systems including Bossier’s have GoNoodle Plus, a unique program that brings a little bit of recess fun in …