Bossier Parish Librarian, Kim Howell, is named School Librarian of the Year

When the first bell rings at 7:45 a.m. at Stockwell Elementary School, faculty and teachers await for faces to arrive in their classrooms. Lessons plans are written and supplies are laid out anxiously awaiting eager hands and minds to use them. One specific Stockwell Faculty member, Kim Howell, will always greet them with a smile, a hug and a lot …

Community Profile: Haughton pride is always growing

Haughton is a town in Bossier Parish where community pride resonates with town officials, educators and most importantly, throughout each neighborhood. If you aren’t familiar with the “Buccaneer pride” a drive through Haughton shows the spirit and heart of the community through patriotic murals and the local middle and high schools’ colors visible on everything including the water tower labeled, …

Who are the Guardians of Bossier United?

Bossier parish is considered by many to be one of the safest places to live and raise a family. One reason is that this area is known for having high quality police and fire protection as well as a great sheriffs office and emergency first-responders.  With a great reputation for speedy response and serving the community, it’s easy to take …

Come Enjoy Family Fun at the Corn Dog Busker Arts Festival

Don’t let the name throw you off! If you’re looking for some fun with the kids this weekend, the Corn Dog Busker Arts Festival is just the place you want to be! Organized by Clark McLendon and the Running Dogs Riding Club, the event on Saturday, March 9 will play host to nearly a dozen live musical acts.

Endangered Species Fair at Benton High School is One-of-a-Kind

Endangered species are getting some much needed love and attention from AP Environmental Science classes at Benton High School.  Lead by their teacher, Kellie Harper, the ambitious students built an impressive array of displays featuring a variety of critically at-risk creatures to be presented for judging.

It’s March! Check out these events happening in Bossier this month

Fat Tuesday Festival Spend the final hours of this year’s Mardi Gras season in the East Bank District. If you are all paraded out, welcome the Spring season with this event hosted by The East Bank Market and InstaGraham Events. Bring the family out for Fat Tuesday fun to enjoy food trucks, live music and plenty of other activities. When: …

Get Hooked on Bossier Parks and Rec’s Latest Creation

No matter where you stand on environmental issues, almost everyone can agree that recycling is a great thing to do whenever possible. Warren “Coach” Saucier, the Director of Parks and Recreation for Bossier Parish, has created an innovative recycling project called Fish Attractants by using materials from the past to service the future of Bossier sportsmen. “The way it got …

Krewe of Barkus and Meoux Celebrates Their 20th Parade

If you are new to Bossier, one of the most important things to remember around Mardi Gras is your pet can participate too. In fact Bossier City is the location for the largest pet parade’s in the nation. The Krewe of Barkus and Meoux celebrated its twentieth parade with a SteamPunk theme. All different breeds of dogs and cats attended …