Jump into September With These Bossier Events!

In September there is just too much to experience in Bossier. Start your month with live races – whether it is cheering on your favorite daschund or your fave horse at the Super Derby, get out and place your bet. Also, plenty of nonprofits are stirring up a good time for audiences this month and their events are definitely worth …

Lovin’ My Job in Bossier: Austin Smith, Gas Analytical Services

The job market in Bossier is healthy and growing, so much so that it often attracts workers from Texas. One of these commuters is Austin Smith. Austin, 28, is a native of central Texas and currently lives in Waskom, TX. However, he makes a daily one-hour round trip commute to work at Gas Analytical Services in Bossier City. Austin has …

Looking to Tidy Up Your House? Call Organized for Life LA

What do most people feel when they walk into their own home and take a look around? Stressed? Overwhelmed? Insecure? Chances are, most people can immediately feel their stress levels skyrocket as they survey the clutter that grows in every room. As the years go by and that clutter continues to grow, many individuals just do not know what to …

Women Who Made History in Bossier

Helen Keller once said, “When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.” She could certainly be considered quite the influential person. Just as she impacted countless people in her life, this quote is true of many people around the world including Bossier. There are many …

Cascio’s Market Bistro in Bossier Remains Popular Choice for a Quick Lunch

In the era of corporate franchised restaurants and fast food, it’s always a pleasure to come across something that’s family-run and local. Cascio’s Market Bistro has been a fixture on the Bossier restaurant scene for more than 10 years. It’s a casual, family-friendly bistro that has become a favorite for those wanting either a quick lunch or a no-rush dining …

Top 5 Places in Bossier to Take the Kids After School

School has started back in Bossier. As with every school year, kids and adults will be adjusting to new classes, teachers, tests, and triumphs. When the school day ends, it might do everyone some good to enjoy a few activities before going home and hitting the books. To that end, there are several choices for after school activities in Bossier …

NICERC Partners with the Girl Scouts to Create New STEM Badges

In 2017, Girl Scouts of the USA reached out to NICERC, the academic division of the Cyber Innovation Center, to develop 18 Cybersecurity Badges. These 18 badges would consist of three badges for each of the six levels of the Girl Scouts: Daisy, Brownie, Junior, Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador. The three badges were released this year and they are for …

Bossier Millennial Pro: Randy Stewart, Brown Builders

Randy Stewart is a people person. The 27-year-old says he loves meeting people right where they are, not considering where they are going or where they have been. He loves doing what he can to help them, which is part of his new career path. He has been serving as the safety coordinator for Brown Builders, but is changing paths …

BPCC’s ESL and HiSet Programs Help Bossier Immigrant Community Reach Their Goals

Spanish Version: ¡BPCC ayudando a los inmigrantes a alcanzar sus metas a través de programas ESL y HiSet! The growth of this region is slow but steady, and every day there are more people who make Bossier City their home. Job and education opportunities are the key for people from other countries to find a window for their personal growth …

¡BPCC ayudando a los inmigrantes a alcanzar sus metas a través de programas ESL y HiSet!

English version: Bossier Parish Community College (BPCC) offers the opportunity to better integrate immigrants by teaching English and offering the HiSET classes. El crecimiento de esta región es lento pero constante y cada día son más las personas que hacen de Bossier City su hogar. Oportunidades de trabajo y educación son la clave para que gente de otros países encuentren …