Unsung Heroes of Bossier: Wastewater Plant Workers

There are jobs that often go unnoticed by most of us. We probably don’t give a second thought about certain occupations as we go about our daily lives. Yet, all of us depend on people doing certain jobs day in and day out. These are the jobs that most of us would consider unpleasant and take for granted, except perhaps …

Check Out These Bossier Events in September

It isn’t quite fall yet, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of fun activities to do. Check out any of these Bossier events in September, and you’ll be bound to have a good time.

Ring in September with a Bossier Calendar

Welcome September 2018! Need a way to track the days and celebrate the best stuff in Bossier? We’ve created a monthly calendar featuring artwork by Bossier architect, Mike McSwain. Alongside his team at his architectural firm, Mike has created some of Bossier’s most iconic buildings in recent history: CSRA Integrated Technology Center, the Cyber Innovation Center and the East Bank …

Lovin’ My Job in Bossier: Kelly Wheeler at Camp Gladiator

Bossier has a ton of different places to live, play and work. Kelly Wheeler is a high school teacher and trainer through Camp Gladiator. She is someone who loves forming relationships with people in order to help them reach their potential and give them the ability to change their lives. Let’s find out what Kelly loves about teaching sports medicine …

How Healthy is Bossier Parish?

When it comes to health and overall well being, southern states have long been considered among the unhealthiest in the nation. And many times the national ranking of Louisiana’s health hasn’t been good as a considerable part of the population has issues with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease to name just a few . But recently there has been some …

Bossier Ranks in Top 100 Places to Start a Small Business

One of the most important things that you as a consumer and a local of Bossier can do to support the city is shopping local. Bossier brings many opportunities to the table, but one of the biggest things it brings is the chance to succeed. Bossier was ranked in the top 100 places to start a small business. Check out …

Have You Been to These Smoothie Places in Bossier?

On the whole, Bossier City can be viewed as the perfect place to live with a mix of creatives, growing families, community supporters, the military community and those with business-minded goals. The city has the perfect blend of a thriving community. In fact, this city is like a smoothie in itself. Because of this blend in Bossier, those business-minded individuals …

Host Your Gathering at These Event Venues in Bossier

One of the biggest things Bossier has to offer to its people are plenty of places to host an event or gathering. Do you need a spacious place to host your next celebration? Check out these event venues in Bossier:

Elm Grove Middle STEM Educator Named 2019 Louisiana Teacher of the Year

It has been an exciting year for Elm Grove Middle School STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teacher Spencer Kiper. In late July, he was named the top educator in the state by the Louisiana Department of Education at the 12th annual Cecil J. Picard Educator Excellence Awards Gala in Baton Rouge. Kiper is excited to go on and represent …

Where to Enjoy the Perfect Spa Day in Bossier

Summer is just about over and the start of a new school year can be hectic. Everyone’s adjusting to the faster pace of new back-to-school schedules. It can be a bit overwhelming for mom and even dad is feeling the stress too. So wouldn’t it be great if you could just take a few minutes or even a couple hours …